
إنها حقيقة معروفة أنه لا يمكن لأحد أن يكون سعيدًا طوال الوقت ولا يمكن لأحد أن يظل حزينًا إلى الأبد. لكن ، في بعض الأحيان ، يؤدي الفشل المستمر إلى تحطيم الشخص ويسيطر عليه الحزن المتأمل. من أجل تحرير العقل من هذا الموقف ، اكتب النقش التالي على قطعة من الورق بالحبر المصنوع من الزعفرانContinue reading “الحزن”

Telepathy lesson No. 1

Only one thing can be concluded from the events narrated by sages like Ghous Ali Shah and others that for the transference of thoughts it is necessary that the attention remains persistently focused on a single point If the concentration is not there attention cannot be focused on a single point/for learning telepathy it isContinue reading “Telepathy lesson No. 1”

Deterioration of the Brain Cells

It is unfortunate on man’s part that he evaluates the knowledge and sciences granted to him by Allah, on the basis of self-made and false principles and refuses to acknowledge them as such. Light has been declared by Allah as the basis of each and every knowledge. Man was required to explore the maximum typesContinue reading “Deterioration of the Brain Cells”

The Law Of Exchange Of Thoughts

Man is composed of three rings, or to say, it has three levels. The first ring is that of the conscious of an individual. The second is the unconscious of the individual and forms the conscious of mankind. The third is the unconscious of mankind which is the conscious of the universe. This has beenContinue reading “The Law Of Exchange Of Thoughts”